When I was a youngster, one of the best days of the year was when the Sears Christmas Catalog would show up in the mail. I'd spend hours with my rounded tip safely scissors (shaped like Santa Claus), colored construction paper, and Elmer's glue making my wish list for Santa. This year, I just want home goods. How times have changed.
Glory Days Apparel loves to celebrate nostalgia. Last year, we did a list of some of my favorite gifts as a kid. This year, I think I'll make a list of absurd gifts I want as an adult. Here's the 10 gifts I want Santa to bring down the chimney this year...
10) Adult Big Wheel - How awesome would it be to roll down the Greenway Trail in this monstrosity?! Hopefully the side wheel brake is included for gnarly skids!
9) Treehouse Vineyards Tree House Rental - Who didn't love a treehouse as a kid? You could play for hours coming up with new games. Now you got the adult version equipped with a bed for naps, and of course, wine easily accessible. https://treehousevineyards.com/treehouse-rentals/
8) 99 Pack of PBR - I saw this and wasn't sure if it was fake news but CNN reported on it AND I found it on the internet so it must be true. The sheer experience of going to the store and getting this home is half the fun. The other half is drinking it with good friends. http://www.cnn.com/2014/08/29/living/99-pack-beer-peacemaker-ale-eatocracy/index.html
7) My own Sabor location - 2 main reaons... 1) Mexican food is never not a good option and 2) Sabor does it right. They want to over take Chipotle and we'd love to see this local establishment do it. What better way than gift me location number 10 on their way to burrito domination (my favorite number by the way). https://www.charlotteagenda.com/88560/sabor-owner-dalton-dalton-espaillat/
6) Carolina Panthers - If we're going to give me a restaurant let's just go all the way absurd and give me a NFL franchise too. I'd bring in wayyyy smarter and experienced people to run the team but I'll be there to give some tips on route running and endzone dances. Party in my suite... I'll have 99 packs of PBR.
5) Pizza Pouch - there's a catch here... It must hold a Benny Pennello's slice. I can't be dripping sauce on my good Glory Days Apparel threads so this is an obvious choice for that mobile slice. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01IW5TSLG/?tag=097-20&ascsubtag=v6_3_3_3mb_2leg_4_x01
4) House Water Slide - Is there a better way to get your day started?! NOPE! A few points of inspiration here: 1) the Disney movie "Blank Check" and 2) Matt Lineberger's home slide (not water). Not much else to say here...
3) Kreweser - As the new Carolina Panthers player I'll have a lot of places to be and I will want to hang out with fans at their tailgates. What better way to get around than the Kreweser! Guess what?... I'll have some of my 99 PBR's in there to share:) https://www.kreweser.com/?utm_source=thisiswhyimbroke.com&utm_medium=referral
2) Lifetime Beer Band from Hoppin - Charlotte's newest brew spot in South End lets you pour your own beers! No way this isn't a hit. I want an band with an unlimited tab I never have to pay. Cheers! https://www.hoppinclt.com
1) Bulldog Bjorn for the Glory Days Apparel Mascot, Stella - This one is for 3 people... Me, Stella, and all of you! I know a lot of you want to meet Stella. Believe me, I wish you could all experience her joy but with her being a bulldog she's prone to just about any catastrophe that can happen to a dog. She already had one heat stroke. However, I think with the bjorn we can get her at more events and she won't have to walk too far and over heat. Plus, how hilarious would it be with her strapped to my chest...